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Labour market organizations



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Labour market organizations by labour market organizations, year and sex

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SA Confederation of Icelandic Employers Board of representatives-100-100....892
SA Confederation of Icelandic Employers Board of directors-100-100....2080
SA Confederation of Icelandic Employers Executive board-100-100....2971
Icelandic Federation of Labour Members3862465447535050
Federation of State and Municipal Employees Members4258613967337030
Association of Academics Members991227868327723
Teachers´ Association of Iceland Members......71297525
Union of Icelandic Bank Employees Members4852703075257129
Board of Icelandic Federation of Labour793336733672773
Board of Federation of State and Municipal Employees-100-10043573565
Board of Association of Academics-100208052485743
Board of Teachers´ Association of Iceland..455547535842
Board of Union of Icelandic Bank Employees-100465429715743
In some instances data is not available for the reference year so data closest to the year is used. Newest data refers to 2003-2004. Figures on SA refer to Confederation of Icelandic Employers, former to SA. Oldest figures on the labour federations refer to 1971-72 and then to 1984.
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