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The unadjusted gender pay gap 2008-2023

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Statistics Iceland
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Selected 1 of total 16

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Selected 0 of total 33


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The unadjusted gender pay gap (GPG) based on Eurostat‘s Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) methodology. Data are based on monthly earnings and paid hours in October every year. All regular payments, including overtime, are part of the data. Irregular bonuses are excluded. This earnings concept is similar to total regular earnings in other publications of Statistics Iceland. The gender pay gap indicator has been defined as unadjusted i.e. not adjusted according to individual characteristics that may explain part of the earnings. Data is adjusted every fourth year when the outcome of the Structure of Earnings survey is published. Last 2024.


Sectors are based on the ESA 2010 classification of National Accounts. The public sector only consists of the General Government (S.13). Others belong to the private sector.


Economic activities (C,D,E,G,H,I,J,K,O,P,Q) follow the ÍSAT08 classification (based on NACE rev.2.2). Data on Water supply; waste management (E) is not published as the number of women in this economic activity is very low. However, they are part of the total.


Occupational groups (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9) follow the ÍSTARF95 classification (based on ISCO88).



In 2018, the economic activity Accommodation and food service activities (I) was added to the dataset. This can affect the total data as well as data in sub-groups.


Preliminary data


Preliminary data


Preliminary data


Total - excluding public administration (O)

This group is used in Eurostat comparisons.


Unadjusted Gender Pay Gap

Unadjusted Gender Pay Gap: The gross hourly earnings are calculated for men and women separately with in each group. The difference as a percentage of men’s hourly earnings is interpreted as the GPG. Special note has to be made on the fact that overtime payments are included in the GPG as the proportion of overtime hours affects the hourly earnings.
(men’s hourly earnings - women’s hourly earnings)/men’s hourly earnings.

Men's hourly earnings

Men's average hourly earnings with in each group rounded to next ten.

Women's hourly earnings

Women's average hourly earnings with in each group rounded to next ten.