Statistical database
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Social affairs
Wages and income
Quality of life
Labour market
Job vacancies
Labour force – register data
Register based employment by months, sex, age and origin 2005-2024
Register based employment by quarters, sex, age and origin 2005-2024
Register based employment by years, sex, age and origin 2005-2024
Register based employment of persons with legal residence in Iceland by years, sex, age, origin and region 2005-2024
Register based employment of persons with legal residence in Iceland by quarters, sex, age, origin and region 2005-2024
Register based employment of persons with legal residence in Iceland by month, sex, age, origin and region 2005-2024
Register based employment in economic activity by main job by years sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment in economic activity by main job by quarters sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment in economic activity by main job by months, sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment by economic activity by years, sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment by economic activity by quarters sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment by economic activity by months, sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment by years, education, sex, age groups and origin 2008-2023
Register based employment by economic sector by years, sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment by economic sector by quarters, sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Register based employment by economic sector by months, sex, age groups and origin 2008-2024
Labour force survey