Statistical database
The 3 steps are Choose table, Choose variable and Show result. You are currently at Choose variable

Income by sex and age 1990-2023

Choose variables

Thousand ISK/Number
Hagstofa Íslands.
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.

Selected 0 of total 6


Selected 0 of total 8


Selected 0 of total 3

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Total , 16 - 19 years , 20 - 24 years ,

Selected 0 of total 26

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1990 , 1991 , 1992 ,

Selected 1 of total 34

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 100,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 10,000 rows and 100 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 100,000
Income - tax returns is statistics based on individuals tax returns. Everyone is tax reliable from the age of 16 in Iceland.
Population - the outcome is based on taxpayers who are taxable in Iceland excluding the following:
Taxpayers who have their tax return hand calculated.
Taxpayers who have their tax return estimated on relevant income year or the year before.
Taxpayers who died on the income year or those who only lived in Iceland partially on the income year, have tax liability in Iceland, have income in Iceland but do not live in Iceland and also if a change has been in their marital status to be mentioned or other changes in their status which calls for special treatment in their tax return. An individual who has lived abroad for more than 30 days is concidered living abroad.

Income and taxes

Total annual income

Total of income from work, capital income and other income.

Income from work

Wages and other work related income such as car benefits, daily allowance and other benefits, calculated remuneration and income from abroad, other than capital income is calculated as income from work.

Capital income

Income from interests, devidend, profit from sales and rental income excluding business. Income from work related business is also including in capital income.

Other Income

Payments from pension funds, the Social Insurance Administration and other compensations such as unemployment benefits and interest- and child support reliefs. Interest- and child support reliefs are calculated on cash base, on the year they are paid i.e. the year before the income year. Research benefits, scholarships, lottery winnings and some other incomes is also included in other income.


Total of state income tax, municipal income tax, property tax, capital income and other taxes which is paid on the income year. In some cases a refund from taxes is possible. Taxes are withholding taxes paid on the income year or in case of accrued taxes/balances paid the year after the income year. All taxes are calculated on cash base, i.e. according to the year they are paid.

Disposable income

Total income deducted by taxes and payments from pension funds since the beginning of the year 1997.


Mean - total

Mean for all tax payers

Mean - conditional

Mean for tax payers with specific income/taxes

Median - total

Median for all tax payers.
Figures for 2021 and 2022 corrected 15th July 2024.

Median - conditional

Median for tax payers with specific income/taxes

Number - total

Total number of tax payers

Number - conditional

Tax payers with specific income/taxes

Standard deviation - total

Standard deviation for all tax payers

Standard deviation - conditonal

Standard deviation for tax payers with specific income/taxes