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Participation in lifelong learning by sex, age, labour force status and type of learning according to ISCED 2011 2003-2023

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Source: Statistics Iceland Labour force survey
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2003 , 2004 , 2005 ,

Selected 1 of total 21


Selected 0 of total 3


Selected 0 of total 6


Selected 0 of total 4


Selected 0 of total 6


Selected 0 of total 2

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(maximum number allowed is 100,000)

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Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 100,000
Please note that the annual statistics of the Labour Force Survey have been updated in this table since the introduction of new weights and methods for population estimation, early in 2021.
Respondents in the labour force survey are asked if they were registered at school or on an apprenticeship, or if they attended a course, conference, seminar, lecture or other taught activity in the last four weeks. The labour force survey is a continuous survey all year, so responses are distributed throughout the year.
The responses are divided into three groups of lifelong learning:
Course: All courses taught outside of regular education in school.
Other learning with instructor: A total for conferences, seminars, lectures and other taught activities with an instructor.
In school: Any type of education taught in schools, including apprenticeships.
The variable 'Education/learning (excluding in school), total' is the total of 'Course' and 'Other learning with an instructor'.
'Education/learning, and/or in school, total' is a sum of all three categories: 'Course', 'Other learning with an instructor' and 'In school'.
The same individual can both take part in a course, in other education or training and attend school, but each individual is only counted once in the totals.
All numbers are rounded to the next hundred when greater than 50. Due to rounding, figures may not add up to totals and subtotals. Percentages are computed before the totals are adjusted to the nearest hundred.
The relative standard error is over 20% for numbers under 1,000.
The data are classified according to the international classification of education ISCED 2011.