Statistical database
The 3 steps are Choose table, Choose variable and Show result. You are currently at Choose variable

Overall energy balance 1990-2016

Choose variables

Terajoule (TJ)
Eurostat ( nrg_100a
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1 - Gross inland consumption , 1.1 - Primary production , 1.3 - Bein notkun til orkuvinnslu ,

Selected 0 of total 51


Selected 0 of total 7

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1990 , 1991 , 1992 ,

Selected 1 of total 27

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 100,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 10,000 rows and 100 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 100,000
Figures were collected directly from the Eurostat database. A sector number was then attached to each sector. The dataset for Iceland does not utilize all available numbers


1 - Gross inland consumption

Gross energy use in Iceland

1.1 - Primary production

Own production of energy

1.3 - Bein notkun til orkuvinnslu

Use of raw material for energy production

1.3 - Direct use

Energy sourced from other sources

1.4 - From Other Sources

Import of energy or material used for energy production

1.7 - Stock Changes

Change in stock from previous year

1.8 - Exports

Export of energy or material used for energy production

1.9 - International Marine Bunkers

Energy or material used for maritime transport

2 - Transformation input

Quantity of raw energy sent in for transformation into other phase of energy

2.1 - Conventional Thermal Power Stations

Energy intake of conventional thermal stations

2.7 - District heating plants

Energy intake of district heating utilities

3 - Transformation output

Energy output from transformation plants

3.1 - Conventional Thermal Power Stations

Energy output of conventional thermals stations

3.7 - District Heating Plants

Energy output from district heating utilities

4 - Exchanges, Transfers, Returns

Exchange, or return of energy material

5 - Consumption in Energy Sector

Energy consumption in the energy sector for production of energy

5.1 - Own Use in Electricity, CHP and Heat Plants

Own use of energy in conventional heating plants

5.16 - Non-specified (Energy)

Own use of energy in other not-specified plants

6 - Distribution Losses

Energy losses in distribution

7 - Energy Available for Final Consumption

Energy available for final consumption, both for non-energy use and for energy use

8 - Final Non-energy Consumption

Energy or material conventionally considered for energy use that is used for non-energy purposes, e.g. for producing material

8.3 - Industry sector

Material use in industry

8.5 - Other Sectors

Material use in other sectors

9 - Final Energy Consumption

Energy or material conventionally considered for energy use that is used for transport, heating, lighting, operation of machinery or electrolysis

9.1 - Industry

Energy use in industry

9.1.1 - Iron and Steel

Energy use in iron or steel manufacture

9.1.2 - Non-Ferrous Metals

Energy use for production of non-ferrous material

9.1.3 - Chemical and Petrochemical

Energy use for chemical and petrochemical production

9.1.4 - Non-Metallic Minerals

Energy use in the production of non-metalic minerals, e.g. cement, fertilizers and other similar bulk material

9.1.5 - Mining and Quarrying

Energy use in mining and quarrying, e.g. oil drilling, steam drilling and mining

9.1.6 - Food and Tobacco

Energy use in the production of human and animal food, e.g. meat processing, fish smelting and brewing

9.1.7 - Textile and Leather

Energy use in the production of textiles, wool, leather, clothing and other similar consumable products

9.1.8 - Paper, Pulp and Print

Energy use in the production and processing of paper and paper product (excluding recycling) and production of printed material

9.1.9 - Transport Equipment

Energy use in the production of transport equipment, such as auto manufacture and ship building

9.1.10 - Machinery

Energy use in the production of other machinery than transport equipment

9.1.11 - Wood and Wood Products

Energy use in the production of wood and wood product, excluding forrestry

9.1.12 - Construction

Energy use in the construction of roads, bridges, concrete houses etc.

9.1.13 - Non-specified (Industry)

Energy use in industrial sectors not hereto specified

9.2 - Transport

Energy use in transportation of people and goods

9.2.2 - Road

Energy use in road transport, e.g. personal cars, busses, long haul trailers and other machinery that purchases fuel on fuelling station

9.2.3 - International aviation

Energy use in international aviation. Note that this includes only fuel sold in Iceland independent of operator

9.2.4 - Domestic aviation

Energy use in national aviation

9.2.5 - Domestic Navigation

Energy use in domestic navigation, viz navigation between national ports. The value does not include fishing vessels

9.2.7 - Non-specified (Transport)

Energy iuse in other transport

9.3 - Other Sectors

Total energy use in sectors outside industry and transport

9.3.1 - Residential

Energy use in residential areas

9.3.2 - Fishing

Energy used in fishing. Note that fish processing is often indistinguishable from fishing

9.3.3 - Agriculture/Forestry

Energy use in aggriculture, raising of domestic animals and forrestry

9.3.4 - Services

Energy use in commerce, offices and in other sectors outside industry and residential areas

9.3.5 - Non-specified (Other)

Energy use in other sectors, e.g. the public sector

10 - Statistical Difference

Total difference between energy available on the market and reported consumption


0000 - All products

Energy of all products

2000 - Solid state fuel

Energy in fuel type material normally in solid form, e.g. coals, paraffins and pitch

3000 - Total liquid oil products

Energy in liquid form, traditionally oil and liquefied natural gas

5200 - Derived heat

Energy delivered as heat or steam from producers

5500 - Reusable energy

Energy originating from nenewable sources, e.g. wind and solar energy

6000 - Electricity

Energy delivered in the form of voltage and current

7200 - Waste (non-renewable)

Energy derived from combustion of anaerobic digestion of waste